Azure DevOps contains different services that can be used for different goals by DevOps teams.
Now a days every DevOps Team needs the right tools and processes to implement their DevOps strategy the right way.
For this goal, Azure DevOps provide us CICD Pipelines integration to build and orchestrate our applications/systems the right way in a consistent and applicable way. Using this services, provide us the possibility to push our source code to the repository of choice and trigger a build (CI) that will trigger a deployment (CD) afterwards. This CICD Concept as part of Azure Pipelines including Agents usage and configuration will be discussed in details during this session, so don’t miss it.
Azure DevOps is Microsoft Service built on top of Azure Cloud Platform, therefore these service provide us different features that can be used by developers and It Professionals in their daily job to be more productive and do their implementation as efficient as possible.
In this 1st EPISODE, we will discuss the GIT Repository possibilities for developers within Azure DevOps Service from repo creation until pull request assigning and approval. We also will dig into GitHub Repository to see the differences of both repositories in relation to Azure DevOps Integration.
This session is a must for any developer who takes their development seriously using the best developers tool on the planet.
Learn how GitHub and Azure platform can be used to realize business agility at scale. Nowadays more developers and companies collaborate using GitHub to ship apps and AI models with Azure DevOps, targeting cloud, on-premises systems and edge devices.
In this session Hassan Fadili will walk you through the features of GitHub as a Best Open Source Integrated platform with many tools like Azure Cloud, Azure DevOps with support for many technologies .NET, JAVA and much more
Durant ce premier webinar notre Cloud Architecte vous fera un rappel de la série Azure Basics en vous présentant le portail Azure et le fonctionnement du modèle Ressource Manager.
Ce portail permet aux utilisateurs d’Azure de déployer les ressources et les modèles mis à disposition par Microsoft et ce webinar vous permettra de comprendre la différence entre les ressources en mode Infrastructure et en mode Plateforme en tant que Service (IaaS / PaaS).
Azure Pipelines is a cloud service that you can use to automatically build and test your code project and make it available to other users. It works with just about any language or project type.
Azure Pipelines combines continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) to constantly and consistently test and build your code and ship it to any target.
We’d like to invite you and your team to participate in our Azure Pipelines Webinar where you can learn how Azure Pipelines can help you on your journey to CI/CD.
Abstract: Continuous Delivery As A Service (CDaaS) using Azure Cloud, Azure DevOps, Github and Deployment to a Kubernetes Cluster
It is now 2020 and good DevOps practices are no longer just nice to have. It is absolutely necessary to continuously deliver value to our end users. Yet this isn't easy to do right. Unfortunately, all the flashy Hello World DevOps demos we see at conferences don’t really help us figure out how to do DevOps in the real world. They don’t even let us know what is possible.
In this session, we change all of that. We explore the why's and the how. Why is DevOps important? Why do we care? How do we implement DevOps best practices? And finally, we will do a real world deep dive.
Starting from nothing at all except source code (and I mean NOTHING. No infrastructure at all) we end with a complex modern application deployed all the way out into production hosted in the cloud on a Kubernetes cluster.
Global AI Bootcamp will be held for the 1st time in Morocco to adopt this great technology and share the goodness with students and professionals. Diversity in such countries is a big plus. Looking forward to host this event as MVP.
10 :00
10 :15
Hassan (15 min)
10 :30
AIML30: Start Building Machine
Learning Models Faster than You Think
Session avec Said (60min)
AIML10: Making Sense of your
Unstructured Data with AI
Session Anas (60min)
Break – Compiles de videos
(30 min)
AIML50: Machine Learning
Operations – Applying DevOps to Data Science